Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I was amazed with even myself on this one.  It was super simple, could easily serve 5 or more, and cost about $6.  Yep, $6.  But there are some additions I would make that would definitely bring up the cost. I just didn't have the extras (yes I will tell) so it was only about $6.

Anyway, to the point...

You will need:
Smoked Sausage sliced to preferred size (14 oz pkg, some brands differ, it really doesn't matter)
Family Size Zataran's Jambalaya mix
4 tbls vegetable oil
1 bag frozen corn
1 bag frozen spinach
8 cups of water (more if you would like it a bit soupier)
3 tbls New Orleans style seasoning

Mix all the ingredients in a big pot, bring to a boil, lower heat to simmer.  Cook 25 minutes.  Serve.  Yep, that was it.  And it was awesome!

Now if I had the ingredients on hand, I would have absolutely added some crawfish (or shrimp if you prefer) and okra.  

As for the seasoning, I found this stuff at Dollar Tree. I'm not sure what I'll do when I run out because I've never seen anything like it anywhere else.  But then again, I've never really looked so it may be easier to find than I think.  to explain the flavor, I think you would had to have had crawfish at some point.  The taste reminds me of the flavor of the crawfish I've had around here. The ingredient list is as follows, and in proper order: salt, paprika, sugar, spices, onion, garlic, soy grits, and silicon dioxide.  I really hope you can find it or something like it.  I really love the stuff!

Friday, June 15, 2012

EASY Rice!!

1 cup rice (brown, white, mix, etc.)
1tbls unsalted butter
Pepper to your liking

1 chicken/beef bouillon cube
2 tbls soy sauce

Seriously, this is so easy.  Cook the rice according to directions on bag.  Include bouillon and butter in cooking.  This is a very flavorful alternative to plain rice.  This is going to load you on sodium, unless you use low sodium soy sauce, so please keep that in mind.  It's not a healthy alternative, just a flavorful alternative.

With that said, my husband and I enjoy the "Pasta Sides" that are quick and easy sides for dinner.  There typically is just a bit more sodium in this rice when using bouillon than what you will find in those, but you are getting  rid of a considerable amount of the fat and calorie content.  So in that respect, it is a bit healthier than that option.  And then you have soy sauce.  That stuff has an insane amount of sodium.  I love the stuff and cook with it very often.  And I'm sure that if you have concerns about sodium, you know to avoid soy sauce.  But if not, please educate yourself on what you use in your cooking and then make your decisions on what to use.

On a side note, I use a rice cooker.  By far one of the most used appliances in my kitchen!  If you enjoy rice, definitely invest in one.  They really aren't that expensive.

Smothered Pork Chops

4 Breakfast Pork Chops boneless
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 packet italian seasoning
1 8oz pkg cream cheese softened
2 cups shredded colby jack (or your choice)
Salt and pepper or spice mix (read about it in my other blog post!)

Grease 9x9 oven safe dish, lay flat porkchops.  Mine overlay a bit but I'm not too worried about it.

Mix remaining ingredients, pour over pork chops.

Bake at 350 for 35 minutes -- You can use thicker pork chops but you must cook longer.  We don't do large portions in our house so the thin sliced breakfast chops work perfectly.

Serve over easy rice (recipe coming soon) or your choice of pasta.

I think the sauce would work just as well for sliced roast beef or chicken.  
You can swap out the cream cheese with sour cream and still get a similar flavor and should thin the sauce just a bit.  
Swap the italian dressing with ranch for an entirely different but awesome flavor!

Be sure to let me know what you try or would like to try with this recipe!

Happy cooking!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Crock pot chicken and dumplings

2lbs of Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 
3 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter diced
2 cans (10.5oz) Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup
3 cups Chicken Broth
5 tbls minced onion
1 can Large Flaky Refrigerator Biscuits
Flour for rolling out biscuits 
Salt and pepper

Place thawed chicken in crock pot and top with salt, pepper, and diced butter.  Mix cream of chicken soup, chicken broth and diced onions, then pour over chicken.  Start slow cooker at High for 4-6 hours or Low for 8 hours.  Separate biscuits, roll till VERY thin on floured surface (they will thicken, I promise). Slice dough to desired size.  Place strips on top of mixture in the cooker, being sure the dough is not touching the cooker.  It's okay if there are layers of dough.  It will separate when stirred.  Continue cooking for time allotted.  Stir after two hours till all ingredients are mixed together.  The dough will help thicken the mix. 

At about an hour out from being done, check to make sure you are happy with the consistency.  Add more broth to thin it or soup to thicken it to your liking.  

Before serving, remove chicken from slow-cooker and shred with a fork.  Return to slow-cooker and stir everything together.  Serve hot.

If you want to be less involved, stir the dough in with the mix at the beginning.  In my opinion the dough seems to be more doughy this way.  By no means does it make it taste different.  I just prefer the dough to be cooked a little differently.  

I consider chicken and dumplings to be more of a stew like consistency, but prefer it thin.  Sometimes, I even like it straight up soup like.  When I do it with much more both, I throw in some diced carrots and celery.  The celery adds flavor and the carrots are, well, just delicious.

Don't forget to add any ideas you may have.  I really do love to hear input!

Oh, and that totally is my pic up there.  It may not be a great pic, but I'm proud of it! :-)

Happy cooking!

Grandma's Snack Mix

So every Christmas, my grandma makes something for everyone.  Seriously, EVERYONE!  Her house is loaded with treats!  My treat... snack mix.  I've loved this stuff since I was a kid.  I get a whole gallon sized ziplock bag and absolutely look forward to it!

1 (1 oz) package ranch dressing mix
1/4 vegetable oil1 tablespoon dried dill weed 1/2 t garlic powder 1 box or bag oyster crackers
2 cups goldfish crackers or cheese-its(sp?)
2 cups pretzels
Can you tell my favorite part is the oyster crackers??? :-)

In a small bowl, combine first four ingredients and mix well.  Mix up the crackers and pretzels in a large bowl.  Then mix it all up, trying to coat the crackers as much as possible.  Pour mix onto a large cookie sheet.
Bake 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes or so.

Obviously I need a better picture.  Looks like I might have to make some to get that picture. ;-)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Spice for everything!

I got the idea from Rachel Ray to make a combo of spices several years ago, and I've been doing it ever since!  I'm not sure her recipe, but I'm sure you can find it on her site.  Her measurements will be better of course. ;-)

Random spice bottle -- If it's a common spice you use, be sure to remove the label so you don't get them mixed up, or just write mix on top of the cap if it's not black.

You pick the spices!

I use:
For the base:
Lawreys Seasoning salt

My must haves:
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Cayenne pepper

Depending on my mood that day, I might throw in:
Tony Chacharies (sp?)
Montreal Steak Seasoning
New Orleans Style seasoning
Paprika (I just like the color :-P)
Red Pepper flakes (just make sure the holes for pouring are big enough)
Beef Bouillon granules

I always pour the seasoning salt in the bottle about half way.  Then about a quarter of the way up, I pour the garlic, then the same for the onion.  I don't do nearly as much on the cayenne because my husband isn't too fond of spicy food.  Whatever room I have left, I typically throw in some Tony Chacharies, Montreal, and paprika to top it off.  Sometimes I'll try something a little different but really haven't noticed big differences.

Once I top it off, I pour it all into a measuring cup and mix it up.  Then I funnel it back into the bottle.  Now don't get all frazzled about this funneling business!  I just make one out of a sheet of paper because it's dry product and funnels drive me crazy when they clog up with dry product.  So anyway, moving on... Don't worry if it won't all fit.  Just put the cap on and shake it up.  It'll make the spices settle lower.

Done and done!

I use this stuff like crazy.  It goes into just about everything we eat.  I use it to season the flour when frying chicken, when I precook all my beef (that's another post you should read ;-) ), on veggies -- It's wonderful for stir fry but I usually beef up the pepper content with that, it's amazing to throw on fries straight out of the fryer,  and I've even used it when cooking rice in the slow cooker!  I would imagine 4 out of 5 meals I make have this seasoning.  Once you find what you like best, I'm sure you will use it just as much!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Back in action...

So after a long two weeks, I'm finally back!  Given circumstances at home, I had to head to my parents for a bit.  Came back home and I was a bit on the depressed side.  If you don't really know me, my story is short.  Troubles in my marriage that date back to almost the day we got married.  After numerous attempts at reviving a loving marriage, I had my fill of it failing and just had to leave to figure out what I was willing to deal with, and what I was not willing to deal with.  I came to some conclusions and discussed and cussed them with my husband to no avail.  So then he left.  The entire time we were apart, I was absolutely heartbroken.  I love my husband probably enough to put up with whatever he puts out, but I no longer have to concern myself with only me.  I need my son to see a man that treats his wife with respect and love.  That wasn't happening so the big "D" was in order.  Within a week, my husband came home and said he would do what ever it takes to make things work.  You can say I am skeptical, but I didn't go into a marriage thinking there was an easy way out if things ever got tough.  So I'm willing to work through another round of whatever you would call this.  I really am hoping for the best and will work to get there, I just hope my husband is as well.  But anyway, for as long as I am at home, I will continue to try out new recipes and let you know what I think of them.  Cooking is a big stress reliever anyway, so this may help in my attempt at working towards a better marriage! I hope to have my next recipe up shortly so be on the look out!