Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pork Loin with Spinach

Pork Loin with Spinach

Hormel prepackaged pork loin (1-1 ½ lbs)
Spinach 8oz, thawed and drained (I just throw it into a bowl with water, then squeeze out the water before throwing it in the mixer)
Ranch seasoning packet
Cream cheese 8oz softened
Water 1 cup

Mix CC, Spinach, ½ ranch packet
Slice pork to make flat
Spread mix over pork leaving maybe a tbls or two of mix to the side
Roll loin and secure with toothpicks, place in slow cooker
(keep count of toothpicks, I missed two)
mix remaining mixture with about a cup of water and rest of ranch
pour over roast
pepper over roast to your liking if preferred
cook on low 7-8 hours

All of this is to your preferred liking.  I thought about adding some bacon but was too lazy.  Maybe I’ll do it in the future, though.  Add things you think you might like.  I’m thinking I might try this with some asparagus and garlic instead of spinach and ranch.  I also love the fiesta ranch and I’m trying to come up with an idea for that because I love the stuff.  Also, you can beef up the ranch content in the mix if you’d like.  Ranch can sometimes be overwhelming to me, so I didn’t want too much in the mixture. 

I also think this would be great with chicken!  A dish my hubby makes would also work wonderfully with this!  Basically, it’s chicken, cream of mushroom soup, spinach, bacon, and a mixture of mozzarella and parmesan cheese.

The recipe that gave me the idea used goat cheese, dried tomatoes, spinach, and cream cheese.  That sounded way healthier than my version and if you know me, I don’t really do healthy all to well.  I love very robust flavors, and kind of don’t like dried tomatoes.

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